How To Measure Your First ABM Campaign

So, you've launched your first Triblio campaign and metrics are starting to roll in. How do you go about measuring the results? Here are three simple steps to lay a great measurement foundation for your ABM program.

Step 1: Learn the Basics

Whether your campaign contains personalizations, ads, or both, you can find a summary of standard metrics directly within your campaign in the Campaign Details report. To load this report:

  1. Log in to Triblio and navigate to the "Campaigns" tab
  2. Click "Designer" next to your campaign
  3. Click the green "Metrics" button at the top of the page
  4. You are now looking at the Campaign Details report
    1. If your campaign has personalizations, this report will show how many times each personalization has been viewed and clicked
    2. If your campaign has display ads, this report will show you all the standard ad metrics (impressions, clicks, CPM, CTR, etc.)

This report is handy for answering questions like "are my ads serving impressions?" or "are people seeing my personalization?"

Step 2: Leverage the Funnel Impact report

Best-in-class ABM programs orchestrate marketing and sales tactics to influence and convert target accounts to revenue. In light of this, it's critical to adopt a measurement framework that evaluates your ABM program as a whole instead of as a group of isolated channels.The Funnel Impact report makes this possible by tracking your target accounts' progress through the ABM funnel - from Unengaged all the way through to Pipeline.

  1. Click the "Metrics" tab on the left side of the Triblio app
  2. Choose your campaign's target audience and click "Select" - Note: the Funnel Impact report can only be used with account list audiences
  3. Use the calendar at the top left to select the appropriate start and end dates for your report. The start date should be the first day of your campaign.
  4. Once the report has loaded, note the highlighted values at the top of the report. These indicate the number of target accounts that saw ads/visited your site/opened an opportunity for the first time during your selected date range. 
  5. For more detail, click on any of the funnel stages to see a list of the accounts currently in that stage. This list populates in the account table below the funnel.
Here are a couple examples of insights you can draw using this report:
  • Since this ad campaign launched, 580 accounts saw our ads for the first time (newly reached accounts) and 230 accounts visited our website for the first time (newly engaged accounts).
  • Since launching this ad campaign, we've influenced 3 opportunities within target accounts totaling $85k in pipeline.
  • This personalization campaign has driven a 2x increase in the number of MQA (highly engaged) accounts over the past month.

Check out our in-depth guide on the Funnel Impact report here: Understanding the Funnel Impact Report

Triblio Tip

  • Using the Funnel Impact report to measure target account funnel progression is a great way to show a quick win when launching a new ABM program.

Step 3: Level Up

Once you've gotten comfortable with the Campaign Details and Funnel Impact reports, begin exploring Triblio's other core reports.

The  Account Lift Report connects the dots between your ad campaigns and increased target account traffic on your website by visualizing engagement lift on a week-over-week basis. The amount of engagement lift generated within your target accounts is a core metric for measuring your ad campaigns.

Learn more about the Ads Account Lift Report here -  Ads Account Lift Report

The  Account 360 Report gives a detailed view of website visits and ad activities within an audience. This powerful report can give you a both a high level view of the overall health of a given audience and a more focused drill-down into a particular account's timeline of engagements.

Learn more about the Account 360 Report here - Account 360 Report

Want to learn about every report in Triblio? Check out our comprehensive report guide here: Triblio Reporting Guide

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