How to Add Users

  1. Types of Users
  2. Who Should Receive an Account
  3. How to Add a New User
  4. How to Update Admin Status

Types of Users

Triblio has two main types of users:
Admin: ability to create and update campaigns
Reporting: ability to pull reports and view campaign set-up but unable to make any changes

Who Should Receive an Account

  1. Create user accounts for each person on your ABM team. To complete the entire technical setup process, you should also create accounts for:
    1. A team member who has access to Salesforce
    2. A team member who has access to your Marketing Automation
    3. A team member who has access to your CMS and Tag Manager
    4. A team member who has access to Google Analytics

How to Add a New User: 

  1. After logging in to Triblio, in the left navigation bar, click on Setup.
  2. The default tab in Setup is the ‘Basic Setup’ tab. You can choose to add users under this tab or go directly to the "Users" tab directly below.
  3. On the far right is a big green button labeled "New User". Select this and then you will be able to enter the new users information.
  4. Enter the information requested. Note: For Twitter Screen Name, we recommend using your company’s Twitter handle. We will use that to render your company logo in the top right corner of the app.
  5. Check the box next to 'Administrator' to give a user administrator access. An Administrator has the ability to activate campaigns on your website, change application settings, and modify user rights.
  6. For those with SSO options, you will have the ability to enable SSO for new users.
  7. Click 'Save.' A welcome email with password setup instructions will be sent to the new user.

How to Update Admin Status

An Admin user can change the Admin setting for another user at any time by following these steps:

  1. Click on ‘Welcome [NAME]’ in the upper right corner of the app and a drop down menu will appear.
  2. Click on ‘Admin.’ This will take you to the ‘Admin Console’ screen where your team’s Triblio users are listed.
  3. Find the user whose status you wish to change and click ‘Edit.' A modal will pop-up.
  4. Uncheck ‘Administrator’
  5. Click ‘Save’.
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