How to Create a Smart Page
Steps to Creating a Smart Page
- Creating a New Smart Page Group
- Designing Your Smart Page
- Generating Account Pages for an Audience
- Publishing Your Smart Pages
- Smart Page Metrics
- Editing Smart Pages Through the ABM Analytics Module
Creating a New Smart Page Group
To create a new Smart get going with your section selection, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Smart Page section in the right hand navigation of the Triblio platform
- Click the New Smart Page button on the top right of the screen, give it a friendly name and then select the template you want to start building from
After you have created your Smart Page Group you will be taken into the main view which has places for you to edit the overall template, add accounts to generate individual pages, publish the pages, or view metrics:
You are now ready to work on deciding the overall layout of and design of your Smart Page.
Designing Your Smart Page
Triblio's default template is designed to get you going as quickly as possible. But Smart Pages are designed to allow for your company's needs. Check out our How to Design a Smart Page article to learn more about the design process.
Another key aspect of Smart Page design is the setting up your Vanity Domain. By default, all Smart Pages are located on the domain. To update the default URL for a Smart Page Group, the first thing you will need to is have a new sub-domain pointed at To setup a vanity domain you will need to add a CNAME record with your DNS provider that points your sub-domain ( at This is normally handled by IT teams or whoever manages your company's domains.
Sub-domains can be anything you want, such as,,, etc. Once that CNAME record is setup, you can select the Vanity Domain Setup button toward the top of your Smart Page Group and add it to the list of available subdomains within your Triblio org:
Once added to any Smart Page Group, that sub-domain will become available on all groups.
Note: Triblio will create SSL certificates for all sub-domains. This process can take up to 24 hours after you first integrate a sub-domain in the Vanity Domain Setup area.
In order to update the URLs in a given group to your sub-domain, select the Actions button toward the top right corner of the group page, and click the URLs Settings option:
A modal will open where you can select the newly set up Vanity Domain. Select which sub-domain you want to use, then hit save.
All the pages in the group will be updated and you will need to re-publish the pages in order for them to become live.
Generating Account Pages for an Audience
Once you have finalized your template, you are ready to generate countless account dedicated Smart Pages. This process is as easy as creating an audience or choosing an audience that you have already created and affiliating it with a Smart Page Group. To do so, on the Smart Page Group page, select the Select Accounts button at the top of the page:
From there you will select the audience that you want to use to create individual account pages. After selecting your audience, the Smart Page Group will generate account specific pages for all of the accounts in the audience. A page will be created for all the accounts following the vanity domain of your Smart Page + a random 8 character string + the hyphen separated account name. For example, an account page made for Triblio Inc would look something like this:
You can always edit the specific URL path of a given account page by clicking on the Actions button of the given account's row then selecting the URL edit option:
Then you can edit the given account page however you want:
Adding More Accounts to a Smart Page Group:
If you add more accounts to the audience integrated with your Smart Page you will need to refresh the Smart Page Group to import those new accounts and generate the new account pages. To do so, on the Smart Page Group page, click the Actions button at the top right corner of the account URLs, and select the Add Audience Accounts option:
This will check the audience to see if there are any new members since the last sync and create any new account pages if needed.
Exporting Your Account URLs:
You can quickly search for any account specific Smart Page using the search bar. But if you want export all the URLs for external use, you can easily do so by clicking the Actions button at the upper right corner of the Smart Page Group page and select the Download All URLs option:
This will download a CSV to your computer that will contain the full account page table.
Publishing Your Smart Pages
Before you are ready to set start utilizing your Smart Pages you will need to publish them. To do so, click the Publish Paged button at the top of your Smart Page Group:
This will cause all of the Smart Pages in the group to be published.
There are a couple of things to note about publishing Smart Paged:
- If you have a lot of Smart Pages in a group, this process could take a few minutes.
- If you are utilizing Custom Data on your Smart Page and you have made any changes to that data after you have published, you will need to re-publish the pages in order for the change to take effect.
- If a page gets moved to an Active Pending status, that means that a change has been made to the page which has not yet been published. You can either publish the page individually through the page Actions menu, or by hitting the big Publish Pages button at the top of the group.
Smart Page Metrics
Smart Page metrics allows you to get insights on which accounts are interacting with your account pages. To see the metrics generated by your pages, click the View Metrics button at the top of the group page:
This will show you some top line metrics, account specific stats, which content was clicked, and if any known visitors came to the pages.
Top Line Metrics
Unique Visitors: This is the total count of visitors that came to any of the Smart Pages within the given group.
Total Views: This is the total page views generated by the unique visitors across all the Smart Pages within the given group.
Total Clicks: This is the total clicks on any of the cards on the page across all the Smart Pages within the given group.
Account Stats
This shows all the accounts that visited the page and their individual stats.
Note: Account specific pages assume the visitors navigating to those links belong to those accounts whereas the default link on the Smart Page before you add an account list utilizes Triblio's account identification engine. Your use case will determine which link type you should use.
Known Visitors
Here you can see a full list of known visitors who visited any of the Smart Pages within the given group.
Smart Page views will also show up in the table of pages visited on the Account 360 company view.
Editing Smart Pages Through the ABM Analytics Module
Once a given account specific Smart Page has been created, you can make edits to that page through the ABM Analytics Module. To do so, follow these steps:
- Navigate to one of the account pages in your CRM for which you have created a Smart Page
- Locate the ABM Analytics Module and select the Smart Page tab:
- Click the Edit button next to the page you want to make adjustments.
This will open up an individual page editor view where you can make one off alterations to this specific page, such as the following:
- Upload custom resources into the card section
- Change key copy to make the page more personalized
- Upload new graphics or images
- Delete particular sections that are irrelevant
- Once your changes have been made, immediately push those changes live by hitting the Publish button in the top right corner:
Don't have a Smart Page for a specific account created yet? Make a new page immediately through the ABM Analytics Module by hitting the New Smart Page button in the top right corner, from there you will be prompted to give the page a name (this will become the Smart Page Group name in Triblio), select the vanity domain you want to use, and then select the template from which you want to make the page:
This will set up a new Smart Page Group in Triblio where you can see the page. The page will now be listed on the Smart Page tab on the ABM Analytics Module and you can edit and publish the page from there.