Sales Plays

Triblio Sales Plays enable you to arm your sales team with automated, account-specific guidelines on how to best approach outreach. Sales Plays are triggered by how an account is surging in 1st and/or 3rd party intent topics.

Sales plays are a method of sales activation, a more powerful replacement of the traditional sales alert. Rather than just alerting your reps of an account’s activity taking place, you can provide more detailed custom content and a persuasive message to set them up for success. 


  1. Log-in to Triblio and click on 'Sales Activation' on the left hand menu
  2. Click on the 'Sales Plays' box
  3. Click 'New Play' in the top right corner of the screen and give the play a name such as 'New Business Pipeline' and click 'Create'
    • This will open the 'Edit Sales Play' modal where you will see a section for 'Default Play' and 'Priority Play'
      • Default Play: the play that will be shown for accounts that don't meet any of the priority play criteria 
      • Priority Plays: A priority play will take precedence over the default play should it meet the following criteria:
        • The account is showing intent in any one of the specified topics (Condition: Showing Intent in Any Topics)
        • The account is showing intent in all of the specified topics (Condition: Showing Intent in All Topics)
  4. Enter your default play and link to any relevant documentation.
  5. Next, add a new priority play by clicking the green '+Add Play' button at the top of the 'Priority Plays' section
    • A box will appear in the 'Priority Plays' section, there will be a number 1 to the left of the box, this is the current priority for that play. Once all of your plays are created, you will be able to drag and drop the plays to create your desired priority
  6. Click the box to configure the play
    1. Name: enter a name for the play - the name should reflect the conditions you are going to set
    2. Documentation Link: Paste a link to relevant documentation for your sales team (optional)
    3. Choose a condition from the drop down

How your Sales Team will be Notified

Sales teams will be notified via email using our 'Activation Orchestration e-mails.' To learn about the Discover and Activate templates and how to set them up, review our comprehensive article here

Best Practices

Linking documentation can help provide detailed steps sales reps should take when handling certain accounts.

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